0409 524 354

write with your heart:
edit with your head
Proofreading is a challenging and time-consuming job. It is done with the head. Does the story read well and with fluency? Will the reader stumble over this choice of word? Is this phrase the right one for the times? Is this the correct spelling? Is the grammar correct? What is the writer saying to the reader?
"Make your book beautiful!"

will the editor ruin my story?
This editor will do his best to let your voice be heard. You have your style, and hopefully that style will show in the way you tell your story. I try my best to edit lightly. I might see that there's a problem that needs to be corrected - I will suggest a change. I will never change the story. The writer and I have the same intention.
Why Choose me
Negotiable Prices
The price of books in a bookshop can be high, but that doesn't mean that you need to spend large amounts to get your book prepared and printed. I work to your budget.
For the layout of your book I use the industry standard – Adobe Indesign. The layout can then be exported as a pdf version for your consideration and feedback.
I can restore your pictures. From cleaning them to improving their contrast and improving colours. If the picture is not too damaged, I can also remove tears and other signs of damage.
Books I've helped produce ...

Questions & Answers
This is like that proverbial question, how long is a piece of string? The cost to print a book depends on:
- how many pages,
- type of paper,
- whether it’s black and white or colour,
- the type of cover.
You may need to factor in the cost of freight, and other incidentals such as handling costs.
You can do it dirt cheap and get it photocopied, but the product will not look professional. You can go to a ‘bricks and mortar’ printer who will do a very good job but won’t be able to do it cheaply.
My preferred method is to use ‘Print on Demand’ whereby the whole process is done online.
Using an online service such as IngramSpark (my preferred printing service) will produce your order just when you want it. Which means that you don’t need to order a large number. You can order 1, 7, 20, 50 or hundreds. They can be ordered when you want.
If you wish you can have your book available for sale online at hundreds of booksellers worldwide. The overseas customer orders the book, IngramSpark prints it and sends it to the customer, you get some royalty from the sale.
Here are some examples, these are not hard and fast prices, as there is a yearly adjustment to prices according to the rate of inflation.
200 page paperback novel all black and white with a gloss cover: $4.90 per book
150 page full colour paperback with gloss cover: $8.40
50 page family history, full colour, perfect bound, gloss cover: $3.60
Additional costs are freight – about $11 per carton and a handling cost of about $2.40 per order.
Still, taking all these costs into account, it is possible to have 50 copies of an ‘average’ book printed for under $600.
Yes, there are quite a few now, and probably more by the time you’re reading this. Some of the popular ones are KDP (an Amazon service), Lulu, Bookbaby and Blurb. While some of these cost less in production, all of them are overseas (not in Australia), and so the cost to freight the books to Australia can be truly astronomical.
As an aside, the very first book I produced was set up on Amazon’s system. The author decided to order 50 copies, however, the cost for freight to Australia would have added another $200 onto the cost.
That’s the reason I use IngramSpark – they have an Australian facility (in Melbourne), which is why the freight is only about $11 per carton.
Simple answer, not enough. For the amount of work and care I put into the production of each book, the return is purely pocket money.
However, I will work within your budget. You won’t find a cheaper professional proofreader and editor.
Who am I?
My name is Bernie Schultz, retired former school teacher, avid interest in computing and design, getting on, but still got most of my marbles.
I’ve had an interest in books for as long as I can remember. That’s something I learned from my father. He read at least two books a week from the local Reservoir library. I’ve read more books than I can remember.
While I was working at the Harcourt Post Office, I did a course in professional proofreading and editing. For a long time I’d had an interest in book design and layout, coupled with picture restoration. Now I use all of these skills to help authors ‘self-publish’ their work.

e: bernsch@gmail.com
m: 0409 524 354
© 2019, Level Heading